Statutes of the Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS)

(Effective as of October 26, 2007; revised in November 7, 2023)
1. General Provisions
1.1. The name of this organization shall be “The Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences”.
1.2. The Federation's office shall be located at Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, 1-5-30, Shiba-koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-8512, Japan.
2. Objectives of the Federation
The Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Federation) is a voluntary association of pharmaceutical scientists, established to advance research in the
pharmaceutical sciences in Asia. This can be achieved by promoting cooperation between national, regional and Asian societies or associations which aim at the advancement of pharmaceutical
sciences, and by promoting cooperation between and with other pharmaceutical organizations and between individual pharmaceutical scientists.
The Federation seeks to achieve its objectives by the following means:
2.1. To facilitate the exchange of scientific information between Asian pharmaceutical scientists by
*organizing an Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences at regular intervals and in different Asian countries;
*organizing specialized meetings on relevant topics of multidisciplinary aspects of drug research;
*encouraging the organization of joint meetings between member societies;
*publication of an Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
2.2. To collect and disseminate information on the activities of the member societies, including the production of a calendar of events.
2.3. To enhance the recognition of the pharmaceutical sciences and to contribute to public policies relevant to the pharmaceutical sciences and drug-related issues at the Asian level.
2.4. To encourage high standards of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education and training in the pharmaceutical sciences and to encourage exchange of relevant scientific information as
well as exchange of staff and students of teaching and research institutions between the different Asian countries.
3. Administration
3.1. The affairs of the Federation shall be conducted by an Executive Committee.
3.2. There shall be one regular meeting of the Executive Committee every two years. Additional meetings may be held at the recommendation of the majority of the Executive Committee. The Federation shall not be held responsible for the costs involved for Executive Committee members to attend any meeting.
3.3. Except when explicitly stated otherwise in these Statutes, any matter to be decided by the Executive Committee shall be on the basis of a simple majority vote of those present and voting at a meeting of the Executive Committee.
3.4. The Executive Committee is composed of the following nine members:
*the President
*the President-Elect
*the Immediate Past-President
*the Treasurer
Each member is elected for a term of two years.
The Immediate Past-President shall serve as a co-opted member with full voting rights for a period of up to two years.
The Executive Director (see Section 3.6, below) is an ex officio member of this Committee, without voting rights.
Interim vacancies on the Executive Committee may be filled by the President after consultation with the other members of the Executive Committee. The individual so appointed shall serve for the unexpired term(s).
The Executive Committee may establish committees for specific activity purposes.
3.5. The President shall be responsible for coordinating the activities and affairs of the Federation and shall normally represent the Federation. The President shall call and chair the meetings of the Executive Committee. The President-Elect assists the President in his or her activities and may deputize for the President whenever necessary.
3.6. The Executive Director shall:
*be appointed by the Executive Committee;
*keep a minute book of the transactions of the Federation;
*keep the records of all meetings of the Executive Committee;
*distribute the agenda for the meetings of the Executive Committee at least one month prior to such meetings and shall distribute the minutes of the meetings not later than three months after the meetings;
*collect and distribute information relevant for the objectives of the Federation from and to the members of the Federation.
*keep a record of all financial transactions of the Federation;
*be responsible for the collection of all dues and other financial income;
*pay all obligations and debts.
A major deviation from the budget will require the approval of the Executive Committee before the expenditure is made.
The Financial Account of the Treasurer shall be audited annually by a legally authorized auditor.
3.7. The Treasurer, together with the Executive Director, shall:
*undertake efforts to increase the financial resources of the Federation;
*render annually a complete Financial Account and submit a proposed budget to the Executive Committee.
A major deviation from the budget will require the approval of the Executive Committee before the expenditure is made.
The Financial Account of the Treasurer shall be audited annually by a legally authorized auditor.
3.8. AFPS operating procedures will be defined by a set of Internal Operating Procedures, produced by the Executive Committee.
4. Meetings
4.1. The Federation shall organize an Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences normally every two years. The venues of these congresses will be selected by the Executive Committee.
4.2. The Federation may organize meetings on relevant topics of multidisciplinary aspects of drug research.
4.3. Joint meetings between member societies, as well as other relevant meetings, may be organized under the auspices of the Federation. This requires the approval of the Executive Committee.
5. Finances
Finances of the Federation shall be obtained from donations and other sources approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer, together with the Executive Director, shall prepare an annual budget to be approved by the Executive Committee in the year prior to the budget year. The fiscal year of the Federation shall coincide with the calendar year.
6. Amendments to the Statutes
Amendments to the Statutes shall only be made by the Executive Committee. A proposed amendment shall be considered adopted upon receiving a three-fifth (3/5) majority of votes cast.
In any case of conflict between these Statutes and other rules or regulations adopted by the Federation, these Statutes shall prevail. All such apparent conflicts shall be resolved by the Executive Committee whose decisions shall be binding on all interested parties.
7. Legal Representations
The President is the legal representative of the Federation in its dealings with other organizations. The President may authorize the President-Elect or Executive Director to represent him or her in such dealings.
8. Additional
1. These statutes shall become effective as of the day that the Foundation is established (October 26, 2007) and shall be amended on November 7, 2023.
2. Address: Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, 1-5-30, Shiba-koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-8512, Japan. Tel:+81-3-5400-2660 Fax: +81-3-5400-2553
3. The Founder President may serve as a co-opted Executive Committee member without voting right for an appropriate period.